
Archive for November 18th, 2023

Real Abundance

GC Myers A New Cornucopia sm

A New Cornucopia– At West End Gallery

In big cities, on farms, in remote places, throughout the countryside, people are moving busily. Why? We are all motivated by desire to make ourselves happy. To do so is right. However, we must keep in mind that too much involvement in the superficial aspects of life will not solve our larger problem of discontentment. Love, compassion, and concern for others are real sources of happiness. With these in abundance, you will not be disturbed by even the most uncomfortable circumstances. If you nurse hatred, however, you will not be happy even in the lap of luxury. Thus, if we really want happiness, we must widen the sphere of love. This is both religious thinking and basic common sense.

–Tenzin Gyatso, 14th Dalai Lama, How to Expand Love: Widening the Circle of Loving Relationships

Much to do this morning so I am keeping this short and sweet. Emphasis on the sweet, as we ease into the next week with Thanksgiving and all that it brings. It’s a good time to think less about those things we want or expect from others and focus on those things we have to offer– love, compassion, and concern for others as the Dalai Lama states above.

Things without monetary value but more valuable and meaningful than piles of cash or stock portfolios.

Things that make worth living. For ourselves and others.

Just a thought.

Here’s a song in that vein. It’s the old early Beatles hit Can’t Buy Me Love as performed by Paul McCartney from a 1992 concert at the Ed Sullivan Theater that was recorded for MTV. This is a really nice reinvention of the song in a bluegrass/country style.

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