
Archive for November 23rd, 2023

Another Sick Dog Day

thanksgiving pupGratitude is a sickness suffered by dogs.
–Joseph Stalin

I was looking at a selection of quotations with a Thanksgiving theme when I stumbled across this lovely item from that great inspirational speaker, Joseph Stalin. It was so much in contrast with the rests of the lovely platitudes that it made me laugh. Stalin would probably not be the guy you would want as your guest on Thanksgiving, especially if you expected him to say grace. He would no doubt our holiday as a foolish expression of sentiment, a day for sick dogs to howl in thanks to their owners.

You know, even though it comes off as cruelly insensitive at first, I think Stalin’s comment might actually make sense. Though I doubt that this was the intent of his words, Thanksgiving is a day where we can recognize that we are no better than our pets, that we are as dependent on others as our pets are on us for love and support. We should do like our dogs and show our gratitude to those we love without condition.

And that would be okay with me. You can call me a sick dog on this day because I am nothing if not grateful for so many people I have encountered in my life from my family and friends to the many good people who I don’t even know who have offered kindness when I was in need of it.

Here’s a reply to Stalin from a real human being, Elie Wiesel:

“When a person doesn’t have gratitude, something is missing in his or her humanity.”

So, whatever you might call today, be it Thanksgiving or Sick Dog Day, be thankful for those you know and love.

Be a dog today. It’s the human thing to do.

This post ran back on Thanksgiving of 2012. I liked it then and I like it now.

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving.

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