
Archive for January 8th, 2024

Kidstuff (Kind of)

It took me four years to paint like Raphael, but a lifetime to paint like a child.

— Pablo Picasso, At an Exhibition of Children’s Art, Quoted in NY Times, 1956

I posted some images over the weekend on social media from a post that came to me via Instagram from an artist/art teacher (I am sorry but I do not exactly know her name!) in Turkey of a group of young kids showing off their copies of several of my paintings. It was wonderful to see how proud they were of their work and how expressive their pieces were.

It is always a great thrill to see how kids perceive and express my work for themselves. It has a pureness that lacks the self-consciousness and self-judgement that comes with maturity which is probably what Picasso saw when he made his statements about the art of children, like the one at the top or his famous line: Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up.

Much of the work demonstrated Picasso’s points. Especially the one in the middle above with the young man holding his painting of a Red Chair. It has such a sense of completeness that I could easily imagine an artist like Henri Matisse sighing in admiration at that youngster being able to so easily capture that quality that he sought in his own work.

I certainly sighed. 

Their work reminded me of several other times kids– and adults– have used my work as an inspiration. One of my favorites was at a local elementary school where I gave a demonstration and talk to all the 3rd graders. When I came into the cafe-gym-atorium, the front of the stage was completely covered with their versions of paintings from my Archaeology series. It was quite a sight for me. The underground artifacts were all personal items for each kid which was fascinating. Plus, the kids were probably the best audience I’ve ever had– and I have had some great ones. Their work is below along with images from a couple of adult classes. One was from Budapest, Hungary and the other from a class held at a Claremont, California brewery.

This doesn’t include any of the work that has been given to me by kids over the years that hangs here in the studio. I find constant inspiration in their work, especially on those days when I am filled with self-doubts. They help me feel the openness of that kid spirit again. Just what this artist needs.

To all the kids — and adults, too– I say “Well done and thank you. Keep up the good work!”

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