
Archive for January 15th, 2024


GC Myers- Dare to Know sm

Dare to Know (Sapere Aude)

Enlightenment is man’s release from his self-incurred tutelage. Tutelage is man’s inability to make use of his understanding without direction from another. Self-incurred is this tutelage when its cause lies not in lack of reason but in lack of resolution and courage to use it without direction from another. Sapere aude!- ‘Have courage to use your own reason!’- that is the motto of enlightenment.

― Immanuel Kant,  What Is Enlightenment?

[First posted in 2017]

Sapere Aude!

From the Latin, meaning Dare to Know.

I came across the passage above from the 18th century philosopher Immanuel Kant and felt immediately that it was a great match for this new painting. In fact, I am calling this piece, 11′ by 15″ on paper,  Dare to Know (Sapere Aude!)

The Red Tree here is removed away from the influence and shading of the other trees and houses in the foreground, out of darkness and into the light. There is a light about the Red Tree and a sense of freedom in the openness of the space around it. It is free to examine the world, free to seek the knowledge it craves, and free to simply think for itself.

It’s a great idea, this concept of enlightenment and one that we definitely could use today. Too many of us form our own base of what we believe is knowledge by relying on the thoughts and opinions of others, often without giving much consideration as to their truthfulness, motives, or origins. Or we shade our base of knowledge with our own desires for how we believe reality should appear, holding onto false beliefs that suit us even when they obviously contradict reality.

In short, there is no enlightenment based on falsehoods, no way to spin darkness into light. Enlightenment comes in stepping away from the darkness of lies and deceptions to see the world as it is, with clarity. It means stripping away our own self defenses and admitting our own shortcomings, prejudices, and predispositions.

It may not always be the desired outcome one hoped for, but it is an honest reality. And maybe that is enlightenment, the willingness to face all truths with honesty.

To dare to know.

Sapere Aude!

The post above has ran a few times over the past seven years. The painting shown in it is one from early 2017 that made the rounds to the galleries and came back to me. This baffled me because it was and remains a favorite of mine, one that really burned itself deep into my memory. In fact, it hangs on a wall directly behind my desk here in the studio and I often find myself swiveling around to gaze at this piece. I always find something in it that sets me thinking.

My own preference for it might be as much about the meaning I attach to it as its actual visual content. I see it as being a symbol for seeking and verifying truth on your own, without the overriding influence of any one person or group. For me, it is a symbol of everything that stands against the cultish Groupthink we’re seeing around the world where people blindly adhere to beliefs in individuals and ideologies that defy reality and all logic or reason.

It is about being brave enough to look at the reality of things with clear eyes and an open mind. To have the courage to acknowledge and face the reality of the moment based only on your own judgement.

This may sometimes disappoint. You might sometimes be proven wrong and not get you the results you desire. Even so, it gives you the clarity of truth and free thought that allows you to determine how to best move ahead. 

Kant’s ‘Have courage to use your own reason!’ might well define our ultimate freedom. And unfortunately, in a country that constantly extols its freedoms, few have the courage use this freedom.

I certainly don’t have that courage often. But this painting and its meaning are a constant reminder, occasionally allowing me to muster the bravery to think freely on my own.

And that gives me hope that enlightenment is still possible– for myself and for all of us.

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