
Archive for May 23rd, 2024

Night’s Dream

GC Myers- Night's Dream

Night’s Dream— Coming to Principle Gallery, June 2024

The iron tongue of midnight hath told twelve;
Lovers, to bed; ’tis almost fairy time.

–William Shakespeare, A Midsummer Night’s Dream

Been really busy as I prep for my upcoming June show at the Principle Gallery. Of the 25 shows there, this might be the most immersive show I have done. That’s saying something because I generally try to be pretty deeply invested in every show, as far as effort and emotion are concerned.

This one feels like it is somehow different, that it requires more. Not to satisfy anyone other than myself or to somehow validate the past 25 years. I just want to put out a show that feels more definitive– singular and focused. Something where I can say that it was just what I wanted it to be with few if any concessions.

It’s a difficult thing to describe, made even more so by the fact that my writing here has been somewhat set aside as I put more time into the work and the other prep that is required. The work becomes so ingrained that it is hard to put much of it into words. At least, in the short time I am allotting for such things these days.

I thought I’d share one of the few non-Red Tree pieces from the show this morning, a smaller painting (12″ by 16″ on canvas) that I call Night’s Dream. I am just going to leave it without any comment except to say that, for me, the color of the clouds is the icing on this cake.

Here’s a song to accompany your midnight wandering. Here’s Shoot the Moon from Norah Jones. Maybe that would have been a better title for this year’s show? Hmm.

Continuum: The Red Tree at 25 opens Friday, June 14, 2024 at the Principle Gallery in Alexandria, VA. The exhibit runs until July 3. I will be in attendance for the opening.

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