
Posts Tagged ‘exhibitions’

GC Myers-- Flame Feeding Flame 2024

Flame Feeding Flame— At the Principle Gallery

I know only that I was born and exist, and it seems to me that I have been carried along. I exist on the foundation of something I do not know. In spite of all uncertainties, I feel a solidity underlying all existence and a continuity in my mode of being.

-Carl Jung, Memories, Dreams, Reflections

A couple of days before the Principle Gallery show opens. I am, of course, filled with anxiety. It’s to the point that I find myself leery about writing anything about this show.

I know that in the greater scheme of things, this show and all I do is insignificant. But every show from any artist has great significance and meaning to that artist. The artist defines themself and what they do by how their work is received in the world. You try to act like it doesn’t matter what people think of your work or how they respond to it but that is just a mask.

You want people to like and respond to it, especially when you feel the work is among your best.

But sometimes the artist’s perception of the work and that of the viewing public don’t correspond. The artist might be responding to some personal prompts within the work that don’t mean anything to others. Maybe it is too close, too personal, to the artist. I guess that is why I worry so much when I feel that a group of work is exceptionally strong.

Maybe it is work meant for only me. I don’t think that’s the case with this show. I hope it isn’t but don’t really have a way of knowing.

I find that you don’t have to prepare to be pleased by how a show turns out, but disappointment takes some preparation. So, I spend these days before any show getting ready for that result, creating rationales that will sooth me. That way, I’m ready.

After 25 years, you would think this horrid angst would have gone away by now. But it never does. It’s a funny and maddening thing, this art gig. The best and the worst.

Here’s a slideshow preview of the work from the show. Take a look. I promise you that this is a mere echo of how it looks in person.

The painting at the top is Flame Feeding Flame, a 30″ by 40″ canvas included in the show. The show is called Continuum: The Red Tree at 25 which opens Friday, June 14, at the Principle Gallery in Alexandria. The opening reception runs from 6-8:30 PM on Friday. I invite you to come to the gallery to see if I can cover up my anxiety.

The flop sweat might give me away.

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