
Archive for August 14th, 2009

John Gadsby Chapman- Excavations on a Roman CampagnaI mentioned in a my post yesterday about my friend, Paul D’Ambrosio, and his new blog.  I spoke of his curatorship at the Fenimore Art Museum but failed to mention a new exhibit that he has put together, America’s Rome: Artists in the Eternal City 1800-1900.

The New York Times didn’t fail to mention it however, having a fine review in yesterday’s edition.

Many congratulations to Paul on his successful exhibit which will hang until the end of the year.  If you’re ever in the beautiful Cooperstown area, stop in and see a lovely town and a wonderful exhibit.

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Network - Howard BealeSometimes it feels like we’re all part of a huge movie satire being played out before our eyes.

Kind of like Network, the film from the 1970’s with newsman Howard Beale (played by Peter Finch) having periodic breakdowns on the tube as he stirs the fires of public outrage.

Sound familiar?

Well, our own Howard Beale, Glenn Beck, was featured in a segment last night on The Daily Show where they showed his recent rants on the healthcare crisis in our country.  They show him saying we were in danger of losing the best healthcare system in the world, that we had care second to none.


Now alone, his words and impassioned pleas that we must not move on reform might seem sensible- if that is what he truly believes.

But, as the piece shows, that may not really be the case.

Going back to just last year, 2008, Beck was shown in segments from his show decrying the state of our healthcare system after he had been in the hospital for some procedure.  He calls our healthcare system a “nightmare” and a “horror.”

Interesting.  If you want to watch the segment click on the picture of Howard Beale above.

Then there’s Newt Gingrich showing up everywhere, spouting that we are about to go down a slippery slope that ends with the euthanization of the old and feeble and begins with the inclusion of end-of-life planning in the healthcare proposal.  We’re talking about things like having a Living Will and things of that nature.

The funny thing is that Newt has been pretty adamant in his support of end-of-life planning, stating that it would save Medicare an incredible sum of money if all recipients simply took measures to prepare for end-of-life decisions. Blogger  Matt Taiibi outlines Newt’s duplicity in a recent blog. Check it out here.

So what causes these pushers of public outrage to suddenly reverse their thinking?  Has our healthcare system suddenly improved over the past several months?  Has making important decisions for the end of one’s life suddenly become too dangerous for us to consider?  Why this change?

I can bet it’s not for the good of the public they so feverishly incite.  It’s for their own selfish motives.  They are willing to do or say anything to further their own agendas and those who take their words and actions at face value without looking at what they have said or done in the past will probably get what they deserve.  

Which is more of the same.

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