
Archive for May 2nd, 2011

I’ve spent the last hour or so just trying to take in the events of the last day.  There are all sorts of conflicting emotions.  I feel somewhat embarassed to feel elation at the killing of anything or anyone but I can’t help but feel somewhat satisfied, even joyful,  in Bin Laden’s death.  Seeing the spontaneous reaction of the nation has been remarkable.   The singing of the national anthem by crowds in the street outside the White House.  The crowds cheering and chanting at the Mets/Phils game.  Images like the one above from NY Times photographer Michael Poppleton of NY firefighter gathered in Times Square.

I’m hoping that we are now somehow exorcised of the demons from September 11 and that new and better chapters lay ahead for us.  I’m eager to see how we move on from here.

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