
Archive for June 17th, 2022


GC Myers- Reinforced 2022

Reinforced – Part of the Principle Gallery Exhibit

After all these years, I see that I was mistaken about Eve in the beginning; it is better to live outside the Garden with her than inside it without her.

Mark Twain, Diaries of Adam & Eve

The paintings based on the Baucis and Philemon myth, a tale I have shared many times here since I first introduced the work back in 2010, has become one of my most popular series. The new painting above, Reinforced, is a prime example and is part of my current solo show at the Principle Gallery.

There are most likely a host of reasons for this popularity. One is the fact that there is a definite narrative in these pieces. The story is evident in these pieces if one is already aware of it and hearing it for the first time creates a connection to the painting for those in long term relationships. We do, after all, try to interpret and absorb art in ways that relate to our own thoughts and feelings, our own situations.

I think another reason is that they tend to be simple, balanced compositions. What that means is that, because each element has more weight in a simple composition, the amount of visual interest created comes in things like texture, color gradients, strokes, linework and contrast along with the care with which it is painted.

Now, that’s not to say that less care or attention to detail is given to more intricate compositions. Both are given equal treatment. It’s just that a more complicated piece can sometimes do so with minor deficiencies but not a simple piece. A simple composition is totally dependent on these factors in order to be effective, to come alive.

And I find it easy to give these pieces a little more care, a little more attention to the details that they require. Maybe it’s because I have been married for a very long time and can relate to the idea of a life of two separate entities growing together in a way that extends into eternity.

It’s easy to see my wife and I in these pieces. Easy to see the merging and adaptations that have occurred through the years. Easy to see how we have become necessary support and reinforcements for one another.

The painting becomes very personal. It serves as a celebratory emblem of love and devotion on days such as anniversaries and other certain days. But is also provides a reminder of these things on the difficult days of this life, letting me know that these days are temporary when compared to that which I have in my reinforcement.

It’s a powerful thing. Trust me. I know from experience. I’m not going to tell you how long we’ve been married but let me say it’s long enough that I should be out on the corner, shaking my fist at the young whippersnappers.

Here’s a favorite song from Joni Mitchell. It’s called Help Me and it deals with first passionate flames of love, not the long enduring love of Baucis and Philemon. I include this because these pieces remind me of how that early love transforms but somehow remains and sustains.

That’s my story for the day. Now, get out of here. Those whippersnappers await.

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